Thursday, February 2, 2012

Do You Know The Signs, Symptoms and Causes of Your ...

Do you know the symptoms of hemorrhoids? This ailment affects people differently, depending on the type you have and the severity. Hemorrhoids are obviously always unpleasant, but in many cases they can be successfully treated or at least managed by home or over the counter remedies. If you have severe symptoms, or you aren\?t sure if you actually have hemorrhoids, it\?s always best to have your doctor examine you. Use the following as a guide to the most common signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are an inflammatory disorder, and the symptoms involve pain, itching, discomfort or bleeding from the rectum. It is for that reason alone that you do not want to strain in this area. Bowel movements need to not be strained out. In some cases, pressure to this area is caused by activities such as heavy lifting. Avoid strenuous exercise if you have hemorrhoids. Your weight can add to the stress in this area, so consider losing a few pounds to get your hemorrhoid symptoms under control. You should also avoid using rough toilet paper, as this can also irritate the inflammation.

Skin irritation, mucus discharge, or bleeding when having a bowel movement are all symptoms of hemorrhoids. The inflammation of internal hemorrhoids is what generally causes these symptoms. In most cases, these symptoms can be treated with non-prescription medication and are not very painful. Regular bleeding can be a sign of a more serious problem, though, so you need to see your doctor immediately if you have this particular symptom.

Your diet can also make a difference in your hemorrhoid symptoms. Make sure you get enough fiber in your diet to avoid making yourself constipated which can make hemorrhoids worse. Eating spicy foods is a controversial subject with regard to hemorrhoids, some believe they can irritate hemorrhoid symptoms more. You will want to avoid spicy foods and eat more fiber if this is the case for you. You may also want to avoid unhealthy fats and junk foods as a general rule. Among other things, these contribute to obesity, another cause of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can cause you extreme discomfort. Hemorrhoids aren\?t usually a long term problem fortunately. Consult your physician if your symptoms are not alleviated with the treatments you are trying or last too long. Your doctor may suggest a stronger medication or procedure for your case. Your symptoms may vary from what your heard here. Most people, fortunately, are able to control their hemorrhoids, either on their own or with medical help.

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