Tuesday, May 29, 2012


The air was warm still, sticky with humidity despite the summer months quickly coming to an end, and the sun having long set. An indian summer, they said, when the heat stretched out longer than it?s designated three months and into the fall. There was talk of global warming, greenhouses gasses and other destructions of man, but Damian wasn?t buying into it. The Earth had been through many phases through it?s history, several without an ozone layer, and the idea of man being the cause for this one was slightly more than egocentric. From what he had seen, Mother Nature could hold her own through all of the trials and tribulations thrown at her.

He was still as he laid beneath the stars, a head full of dark hair laying on a pillow of strong and calloused hands. Eyes were opened; slowly moving between the thousands of stars, though mind elsewhere than on the night sky. Fresh cut grass mingled with the smell of salt water, and the distinct scent of civilization were all apparent to him, though he paid them no heed. It had been months that he?d wandered his way into the small town, alone. What brought him there and where he came from Damian never spoke of, deflecting personal questions with sarcastic quips or misdirecting questions of his own.

The blonde that hugged his body stirred, and Damian sighed in slight annoyance at the interruption of his thoughts. She was never still, always moving and fidgeting. He swallowed any discontent with her, Amber. She?d been his distraction all summer long, and perhaps the only reason he hadn?t moved on to another town. Love? Hardly. But he?d had fun thanks to her in this world that was so unlike his own.

?The moons so big, I think it?s a full moon tonight.? She said, hardly quiet.

Eyes, unmoving from the sky, drifted towards the alabaster circle. Despite looking, he could have answered without. ?Not for three more days.?

?You?re like really into stars and stuff, hey? You always get so quiet when you?re looking at it. Is that what you did, before you came here? Are you like an astronomer or something?? She asked, cautiously trying to prod into his past.

Damian chuckled. He hardly looked the part of an astronomer, or even someone that had managed to finish high school. In his early twenties he stood at full height an imposing six-foot-four. While he didn?t quite have the breadth of a star quarterback, he was lean and solid, well toned and strong. As if to prove it, his muscles were clearly defined in the fitted black t-shirt he wore. Tan skin was bronzed from the summer sun, unmarred by modern piercings or tattoos, but littered with scars from sources unknown.

Tearing his eyes from the sky, down to her, he diverted personal topics again. ?Lets head down to the pier.?

Companion agreed, they rose and headed across the park down to the ocean front. He was quiet again, golden gaze across the water as the tide slowly rolled in. The moon, bright in the sky over head, held sway there. She controlled the change in water levels, as she commanded change elsewhere. But not tonight. Three days until yet another excuse would fall from his lips as to why he couldn?t be by Amber?s side. But in three days Damian would be long gone. His time in the small sea town had come to end, it was time to move on before his past caught up to him. There was only so long that he could be something he wasn?t, only so long before the costume of a sheep tore to expose the wolf beneath. He simply didn?t belong in such a tranquil place.

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